
The Graduate

May 12th 2012.  After 2 years, 3 moves,  1 baby and a few loans...Porter graduated with his MBA in Health Administration! We happily sat thru the over 2 hour freezing ceremony and cheered him on as he received his diploma . Lucky for us my mom, Porter's mom, his step dad and his younger brother all came out to show their love. So fun to have them, and especially fun because the next day was Mother's  Day! The night of graduation there was a graduation dinner  where Porter was awarded the "Students' Choice Award" which was given to him because his class voted him as "the best representative of the program!!! 

Fun weekend with family to help celebrate the Grad. I'm a proud wife, and so happy he's done! For those of you who don't know Porter accepted a job offer here in Denver for a health care consulting company called CGI and his first day was TODAY June 18th. Very exciting...next step: 40 hour work week, 10 Vacation days a year, and paying off student loans. Wish us luck!!!

1 comment:

Tia Bowen Films said...

YAY for port! I didn't know he was voted student choice and had gotten a job! AWESOME. that's really great, good for you, Pdig-a-ron. we're so proud. you are realy grown ups now :)

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