
Halloween 2011

Halloween might be my favorite holiday and lucky for us we had a wee one to share the magic with this year. I think we had more fun dressing her up than anything else. We were able to have one last year with out trick or treating and just being able to enjoy the festivities with our little sleepy bundle.

We had a little pumpkin carving party where mostly Porter showed his skills off.

Aimsley thought she liked her pumpkin costume...then maybe not so much

Our wonderful friends the Youngs agreed (they might have been forced) to throw a rockin Halloween party. A few of us moms spent the day making the house spooky and cooking scary goodies. I think the party was a success with pictures, a costume contest, food and games. Thanks so much Nicole and Kinzie, we need to throw another..St Patties Day perhaps??
Lucky for Aimsley; all of her boyfriends showed up :))

We had some hand-me-down costumes from the cousins. One was a frog...so we took it from there.

The Princess gets her frog AND her Prince, made for one happy Princess.

The Ladies...

And Gents of the party.

Whats a Halloween with out some cross-dressing right??

All and all, great night, great friends, all dressed in costumes. Success!

1 comment:

Jacob said...

you guys never fail to have amazing halloween costumes. and oh aims...already following in her mamas footsteps having all the boys love her:) thats my girl!!!

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